CFBS Implementations eBook - Flipbook - Page 11
The week or two before go-live is very busy. Your
data is migrated for a final time into the production
system and the focus becomes the active
transactions so that you can conduct business in
the new system. A common strategy is to wind
down entering transactions in the old system and
to “wind up” or begin entering transactions into the
new system.
For example, if you are creating Purchase Orders
that will be received in the next month, then enter
those transactions in the new system and use the
Purchase Orders from the new system. You can
also enter Purchase Orders in your old system and
duplicate the input into the new system by simply
using the Purchase Order ID from the old system.
Additionally, no matter how hard the project teams
try, there is always one more thing to do. Minor
system changes are inevitable during the cutover
once the users come to the realization that the new
system is actually happening. This always triggers
a more critical review along with last minute
changes which may extend into the first couple
weeks of go-live.